عدد الزيارات: 14438302 مشاهدة
بواسطة: قسم الهندسة المدنية
تاريخ النشر: 2023-05-30
اخر تصفح: 2025-01-08
نشر رئيس قسم الهندسة
المدنية الاستاذ الدكتور مصعب عايد كصب بحثا علميا متميزا في مجلة Engineering Structures والمفهرسة ضمن مستوعبات سكوبس وكلاريفيت بمعامل تأثير مقداره 7.7 و
5.5 على التوالي تحت عنوان" يأتي ذلك ضمن النشاط
البحثي المتميز لتدريسيي قسم الهندسة المدنية والنشر في المستوعبات العالمية
الرصينة ملخص البحث: Short
links that primarily yield under shear are usually preferred in eccentrically braced frames (EBFs)
due to their high rotation and energy dissipation capacities. Long links that
yield under flexure can be used in cases where large openings are required for
architectural reasons. Research conducted in the past showed that the seismic
response factors recommended in ASCE7 result in designs with higher collapse
probabilities than expected for EBFs with shear links. Long link behavior
differs from the behavior of short links because the former is governed by
flexure and subjected to significant amounts of strength and stiffness
degradation. A numerical study was undertaken to evaluate the seismic response
factors for EBFs with long links using FEMA P695 methodology. Twenty-four EBF
archetypes were designed by considering the bay width, number of stories, the
link length to bay width (e/L) ratio and column base
condition as the variables. Performances of these archetypes were evaluated
under maximum considered earthquake (MCE), and collapse level earthquake (CLE).
The effects of degradation were studied by considering degrading and
non-degrading responses separately. The results showed that strength and
stiffness degradation increases the link rotation angle as much as 46 percent
when compared with the non-degrading models. The recommended response factors
were found to provide acceptable performance for e/L = 0.5, when 20%
probability of collapse is considered under MCE level events. Remedial measures
were investigated to achieve acceptable performance for collapse probability of
10% under MCE level events.