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Done By: Civil Engineering
Post Date: 2022-12-28
Last Browse: 2025-01-09
A workshop entitled "Advanced FRP composite materials in reinforcing two-way slab systems" was held on Wednesday 28th, December, 2022 Which was delivered by Dr. Zina Riyad Saleh in the Department of Civil Engineering, specializing in Structural Engineering The main focus of the workshop included a practical study on the possibility of using carbon fibers in the form of a network in the transverse and longitudinal directions in the reinforcement of tiles in two directions. The study included a comparison with models of slabs reinforced with iron in order to compare the structural behavior of the slabs reinforced with a carbon fiber network. The study found that the structural slabs reinforced with carbon fiber grid are no less efficient in terms of bearing compressive forces than their counterparts reinforced with iron grid. This study was published in the American concrete institute/ structural journal