Laser & Optoelectronic Engineering Department

1.     Vision and Mission statement

Vision Statement

The department’s vision is to be a leading institution in the research and education of laser and optoelectronics engineering, producing graduates who are well-prepared to enter the workforce or higher education, and contributing to the advancement of the field through cutting-edge research and innovation

Mission Statement

The mission of the Laser and Optoelectronics Engineering Department is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and develop innovative solutions in the field of lasers and optoelectronics, while maintaining a commitment to ethical and social responsibility.

2.     Graduated Outcomes (GOs)

i.       GO-1: An ability to identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and mathematics.

ii.     GO-2: An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.

iii.   GO-3: An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

iv.   GO-4: An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global economic, environmental and social contexts.

v.     GO-5: An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives.

vi.   GO-6: An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentations, analyze, interpret data and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

vii.  GO-7: An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needs using appropriate learning strategies.


3.     Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Based on the missions of Al-Nahrain University and the College of Engineering, the graduate of the B.Sc. program in Laser and Optoelectronics engineering will be able to:

  1. PEO-1: To provide students with a strong foundation in the basics of optics, lasers, and optoelectronics.
  2. PEO-2: To impart advanced knowledge in the design, fabrication, and application of laser and optoelectronic devices and systems.
  3. PEO-3: To provide students with advance mathematical analysis, computational thinking and engineering ideas, such as design theory, experimental techniques and production, to solve practical problems associated with design and maintenance of laser systems.
  4. PEO-4: Use effective communication skills and participate in multi-disciplinary partnerships to demonstrate professional progress and leadership and demonstrate an appreciation and use of modern technological capabilities and to foster collaborative effort among co-workers and other institutions.
  5.  PEO-5: To encourage students to pursue advanced studies in the research of laser and optoelectronics engineering.
  6.  PEO-6: To produce graduates who can contribute to the Iraqi workforce market through innovation, research, and entrepreneurship.
  7.  PEO-7: To promote interdisciplinary collaboration among students, faculty, and industry professionals to foster the advancement of laser and optoelectronics technology.


Table-1: Mapping of program Educational Objectives to Graduate Outcomes.


Graduated Outcomes














































4.     Student Learning Outcomes

Laser and optoelectronics engineering will provide:

i.        Understanding the physics of optical interactions and the properties of lasers and optoelectronic devices.

ii.     Designing and analysing complex laser and optoelectronic systems.

iii.   Developing skills in the modeling and simulation of laser performance and optoelectronic material behavior.   

iv.   Applying knowledge of laser safety and environmental impacts to development of laser-based technologies.

v.     Communicating and collaborating effectively with interdisciplinary teams to tackle complex challenges in the field.

vi.   Graduates will be able to formally communicate the results of biological investigations using both oral and written communication skills.

vii.  Graduates will be able to perform laboratory experiments and field studies, by using scientific equipment and computer technology while observing appropriate safety protocols.

viii.                    Graduates will be able to demonstrate a balanced concept of how scientific knowledge develops, including the historical development of foundational theories and laws and the nature of science.

ix.   Graduates will be able to demonstrate scientific quantitative skills, such as the ability to conduct simple data analyses.

x.     Graduates will be able to use critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to develop a research project and/or paper.